Document Type : Research Paper



Investigation of  soils around the coal mines in the world, shows heavy metal pollution such as lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, manganese and nickel. Phytoremediation of mine land offers a great challenge, to restore its productivity and fertility and also to reestablish the ecological cycles in the rhizosphere with identification of suitable plant species and also the amendment of some suitable blending material on such degraded land. It is one of the widely used emerging techniques for soil remediation, to remove pollutants from the environment or to stabilize them. The aim of this study was to investigate concentrations changes of five heavy metals including zinc, lead, manganese, nickel and copper, as well as pollution indicators including geoaccumulation index, contamination factor and pollution load index of the surrounding lands Geland-roud coal mine located in Mazandaran province. Accordingly, the highest concentrations of Zn, Pb , Mn , Ni and Cu in soil were 12.44 , 6.53 , 5.54 , 7.80 , 6.28 mg/kg respectively. The highest concentration of zinc and manganese in plants were reported respectively 169.4 and 164.6 mg/kg. The results of calculated contamination index and heavy metals concentration of soil and plant samples of Geland-roud mine indicated lower values than values of these elements that cause pollution. The highest values for the geoaccumulation index of Zn, Pb , Mn , Ni and Cu in soil were respectively, 0.024 , 0.074 , 0.003 , 1.975 and 0.117 mg/kg, for the contamination factor respectively, 0.12, 0.13, 0.01, 7.80 and 0.41 mg/kg and the highest amount of pollution load index was 0.20 mg/kg . Due to the growing utilization trend of mineral resources and climatic conditions, the periodic monitoring of contaminates is recommended.


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