

         Determining the qualitative specification of groundwater, which is one of the most important sources of agriculture and drinking water supplies, shows how they can be appropriate for the intended use. Hence, their classification is one of the first and perhaps the most important step in the management of groundwater quality .In this study three methods of BCWQI (British Columbia Water Quality Indices), NSFWQI (National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Indices) and OWQI (Oregon Water Quality Indices) were applied to classify groundwater quality of the Zayanderood basin in Esfahan City. The results indicated that the municipality stations which are located in Zarrinshahr, Felaverjan, Moshtagh and Abshar Park with average index between -37.48 to 38.74 using the OWQI index, -50 to -44 applying the NSFWQI index and water quality index of  Zarrinshahr and Abshar Park municipality stations in range of -87.95 to -62.82 applying the BCWQI index (usage agriculture water) are located in the worst conditions than other stations like Bagh-e bahadaran, Molkabad and Park-e Nazhvan. Exposure to urban runoffs, drainage of steel mill and proximity to the wastewater treatment plant of the Isfahan can be seen as the cause. 


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