Document Type : Research Paper



Since Iran is one of the largest producers of crude oil in the world, a soil is exposures to crude oil and its derivatives contamination during the different operations. This research aimed at evaluating the effects of soil organic matter as well as growth-inducing bacteria on the refining of contaminated soil via a shrub species native(Calotropis Procera) of Iran.  Treatments were included crude oil (four levels, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Wt %), municipal solid waste (three levels including 0, 5 and 10 V %) and bacteria (two levels including control and pseudomonas).  The results of this study showed that in all contamination levels of soil, growth of Calotropis Procera in those polluted a soil which is treated with pseudomonas and compost treatments were higher than control and the differences were significant at confidence level 5%. The driest weight of shoot, root and plant height in 1% crude oil, 10% waste compost and Pseudomonas bacteria were observed 4.05gr, 0.91gr and 62cm, respectively which indicated positive effect of compost and biological factor (bacteria) on growth increase of calotropis procera under contamination. 


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