Document Type : Research Paper



Soil as a part of biosphere plays an important role in food production and environmental sustainability. Environmental and soil pollution with heavy metals is one of the major problems in developing and industrial countries. Heavy metals contaminated soils are often the result of human activities such as industrial development, urbanization, use of sewage sludge, compost and fertilizers in agriculture. To remove heavy metals from contaminated soil several methods including physical, chemical and biological methods are used. Phytoremediation is a low cost and effective method of removing pollutants without negative impact on environment. Phytoextraction is part of phytoremediation that can remove heavy metals from soils by accumulating of them in the accumulator plants shoot. In recent years, due to low growth and biomass production of accumulator plants, some crops with high biomass such as woody, medicinal and aromatic plants, suggested as an alternative for the extraction of metals from the contaminated soils. In compare to other edible and woody crops, medicinal plants used for phytoextraction probably don’t have high potential for hyperaccumulation. However, because their final products (secondary metabolites) are free from heavy metals and their secondary metabolites are low cost, they can be used for phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils. The present paper investigates the possibility cultivation of medicinal herbs including chamomile, basil, hemp, peppermint, hypericum, purslane, sage and lavender in soils contaminated with heavy metals and phytoremediation potential of them.


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