Document Type : Research Paper



Many of scientists, managers, and the public are interested in assessing the health of communities and ecosystems. This has resulted in increased studies of the usefulness of different indicators as a measure of stressors and contaminants. Monitoring ecosystem health requires the use of a suite of bioindicators that are biologically, methodologically, and societal, and can be used effectively over time to assess trends and provide early warning. In a successful and continuous management of lands, Bioindicators can be considered as constructive elements in assessment of soil quality. Earthworms are often referred to as bioindicators of soil quality, because they are an important part of soil ecosystem and are always present in the soils. Because of extraordinary role that earthworms have in physical, chemical and biological process in soils, and also because of the wide distribution of earthworms in soils, these creatures have been used for a lot of toxicity tests and environmental evaluations. Bioaccumulation of metals by earthworms can be used as an environmental indicator for availability of metals. In this article, the above topics including a variety of indicators and their application in land management and environmental assessments, and especially the use of earthworms as a bioindicator of soil quality in efficient monitoring will be discussed in details. 



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