Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Graduate of Agricultural Development, Department of Agricultural Development and Management, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Development, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Agricultural Development and Management, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Development, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.


Conservation of agricultural land use as the basis for agricultural activities is a most important decision-making component in both national and agricultural development schemes. This is because current and future food security in all communities, whether small or large, relies heavily on the conservation and protection of existing agricultural lands to ensure sustained and effective production. Hence, optimal land utilization and protection to guarantee human survival on earth is an important responsibility of policy makers and sustainable development planners. Governments in the Eastern Block have been mandated to develop plans as their priority agenda for prohibiting land use change and land fragmentation in order to secure consolidated land farms with enhanced productivity via optimized use of land. In these countries, large allocations are dedicated annually to the execution of such plans in order to protect their farms and agricultural production. The present study aims to survey the experiences gained in Iran and some Asian countries in enforcing the pertinent laws and executing schemes in the field of land use management in order to gain an insight that can be exploited toward developing the relevant measures for improving the present conditions in Iran and to achieve a desirable land use management system.


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