Document Type : Research Paper


1 Soil and water research institute

2 Soil and Water Research Institute

3 Sistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

4 Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

5 Soil and water research Department Ahvaz Khuzestan

6 Department of Soil and Water Ministry

7 Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center


In order to determine the effects of optimal fertilizer application on wheat yield quantity and quality relative to farm reference values, this study was conducted in 2016-17 as a research-extension pilot over a control plot of 5000 m2 and an equal plot of optimal nutrition treatment on four farm fields in the four provinces of Khuzestan, Fars, Sistan, and Golestan. Prior to wheat cultivation, soil samples from a depth of 0-30 cm were taken from each field using the combined sampling method and fertilizers were applied on the treatment plots based on soil test results. Other farm operations (including tillage, irrigation, cultivation, and cultivar selection as well as pest, disease, and weed control) were carried out following local farmer practices. Using the quadrant sampling method, three samples were taken from each wheat plot in each region (both treatment and control) to measure such traits as plant height, number of grains per panicle, panicle length, weight of one thousand seeds, biological yield, and grain yield. It was found that optimal nutrition of wheat cultivations based on soil test results had positive effects on panicle length, biological yield, and grain yield but no significant effects on other traits. Specifically, grain yield in experimental treatments across the four provinces showed a significant mean increase of 21.3% relative to those measured in farms under local farmer practices. It may be concluded that combined application of basic fertilizers, biofertilizers, and growth stimulants in accordance with diets based on soil test results should be practiced in the study regions if reduced use of chemical fertilizers, improved cost-effectiveness, and increased wheat grain yield are sought.


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