Document Type : ترویجی


Member of Academic Staff, AREEO



Recognizing land use and land cover changes is important for optimal management and planning of natural resources and the agricultural sector, and the use of satellite images is a suitable technology for updating land use and cover maps. The aim of the article is to determine the amount and type of land cover/use changes in Tehran province using satellite data over the past two decades, and Landsat-7 satellite images were used to cover Tehran province in 2000 and Sentinel-2 satellite images were used for 2021. Necessary processing was done on images and remote sensing data in spatial analysis software and the required information was obtained. The area of natural resources and agricultural land in 2000 was estimated to be 1,050,155 and 174,115 hectares, respectively, and in 2021, it was estimated to be 946,200 and 170,800 hectares. During the years 2000 to 2021, the area of natural resources in the province has decreased by 103,955 hectares. In total, between the mentioned two years, 3315 hectares of the agricultural land area of the province has been reduced, and also based on the results of the research, about 39000 hectares of agricultural land have been changed to built-up use. This situation is because, during this period, about 36000 hectares of land natural resources have been converted to agriculture and have compensated for the further reduction of agricultural land. Also, 107,129 hectares have been added to the built-up land in the province. Among the suggestions for preserving agricultural and natural lands, are setting up a system for monitoring land use and land cover using remote sensing capabilities and refraining from dividing and shrinking Tehran province.
