Research Paper
Urgent Causes of Agricultural Land Degradation around the City of Hamadan

Manuchehr Amiri

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 1-13

  Fertile soil, like water as the most basic element of human life, is a one of God’s blessings entrusted to man that has been unfortunately left to neglect and degradation. Efforts are made in this study to investigate soil properties in the arable land around the City of Hamadan in order to identify ...  Read More

Research Paper
Application of Plutonium Radionuclide in Soil Erosion Research

Morad Mirzai; Mohammad Hassan Roozitalab; Hossein Asadi; Rayehe Mirkhani

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 15-26

  Soil erosion is a serious threat to human life. This calls not only for appropriate methods of assessing soil erosion and sedimentation levels but also for the implementation of soil conservation practices. Fallout radionuclides (FRN) such as beryllium-7 (7Be), lead-210 (210Pbex), and cesium-137 (137Cs) ...  Read More

Research Paper
Inadequacies in the Iranian Legal Documents and Laws on Selection of Appropriate Cropping Patterns

Nader Heydari

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 27-43

  A major challenge facing sustainable agricultural production is that of selecting cropping patterns that observe the restrictions on such natural local capacities as soil, climate, and renewable water resources. This important issue has also been reflected with due emphasis in the state laws and national ...  Read More

Research Paper
Orientations before and after the Islamic Revolution in Developing Small and Large Land use Systems

Abbas Norozi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 45-55

  It is the objective of the present study to identify the orientations in agricultural development plans regarding land use and farm unit development as adopted by the six development plans executed prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the five economic, social, and cultural development plans executed ...  Read More

Research Paper
Comparison of two Chickpea Cultivars under Entezari dryland Cultivation with Supplemental Irrigation in Fereydunshahr, Isfahan

A J; Zahra Abasi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 57-67

  A fundamental objective of the agricultural sector is efficient use of water and soil resources. To achieve these objectives, the possibility for Entezari cultivation of two chickpea cultivars with supplemental irrigation in the growing season was investigated in 2016‒2017 under the farming conditions ...  Read More

Research Paper
Analysis of Farm Land Management in Iranian Agricultural Corporations: Challenges and Problems

Moslem Savari; Mohammad Shokati Amghani

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 69-86

  The concept of farm management systems in Iran especially that of Farm Corporation, dates back to the land reform of the early 1960s and has eversince formed a major cornerstone of all sustainable agricultural development plans. Fragmentation and dispersion of farm lands along with the lack of effective ...  Read More

Research Paper
Management of Phosphate Fertilizer Application based on Soil Test Analysis Results and Environmental Indicators

Mohammad Passandideh; M.J M; K SH; Z M

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 87-96

    Study has shown that the soil available-P content in 71.8% of the agricultural lands in Iran falls below 15 mg. kg-1. Moreover, excessive use of P-fertilizers in calcareous soils not only increases costs but also leads to P-accumulation and reduced uptake of micronutrients, especially Zinc, to ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Humic and Fulvic acids in Fertilizer Materials

K SH; M M; Shida Tabbakhian

Volume 7, Issue 1 , July 2019, Pages 97-113

  Humic substances (HS) are complex and heterogeneous materials with different sizes produced through decomposition and transformation of plant and microbial residues by chemical and biochemical processes. HS producers, consumers and also regulators have a great interest to find a precise and accurate ...  Read More