Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Prof. of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.


This study was carried out to determine the best rotation with using plants as wheat, soybeans, canola and tomatoes for field planting area of 35 hectares, in 15 kilometers northwest of Galikesh in 2010. To this end, by using the CropWat software, appropriate model was selected in terms of net profit and performance (output per unit of water used), in irrigated and rain fed conditions. According to the percentage of cultivated crop in the selected model a five-year rotation was offered. Regarding results of this experiment, although fourth proposed rotation (included: wheat, canola, tomatoes and soybeans with, 50, 50, 40 and 60 percent share in rotation, respectively) in terms of performance (with the 35609.9 Rial per cubic meter of water) was in the second rank, introduced as the appropriate crop rotation in the region. This is because the proposed rotation in terms of net profit was highest in irrigated condition and that was highest one in terms of net income in compared with other patterns (with 566751458 Rial) in dry condition. 


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