Research Paper
Potassium Application Management for Potato Farming in Soil and Water Salinity Condition

a.h j

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 1-16

  Loss of arable land and irrigation water quality was evident in many parts of the country in recent years, and certainly this non-living stress will be one of the main challenges various crop will be confronted. Soil and water salinities’ effects on agricultural production can be studied from different ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Review on Major Water Erosion Factors in Iran

m a

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 17-26

  Soil erosion in a given area depends on natural characteristics of the place as well as the rate of  human impact. In Iran, the Mediterranean precipitation regime and relatively high erosivity of rain, wide area of erodible soils/lithological formations, sparse natural vegetation in many regions ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Place of Phosphatic Biofertilizers and Necessity to Develop them in Iranian Agriculture

f r; h a.r; k kh; a a; a e

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 27-39

  Carbonatic origin of most arable land in the country, caused to decrease phosphatic fertilizer use efficiency and because of this phenomenon, farmers annually add a large amount of these chemical compounds to their field to get proper results. International shortage and increasing prices create some ...  Read More

Research Paper
Soil Science and Society in the Dutch Context

m.r b

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 41-49

  In the Netherlands, serious soil investigations were started in the mid-1800s and in the mid-1900s with university courses and the establishment of research institutes soil science rapidly expanded. The Dutch and Western European society have changed dramatically in the past century from and early industrial ...  Read More

Research Paper
Application of Biofertilizers Containing Free-living Nitrogen Fixer Micro Organisms in Agriculture

h kh

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 51-63

  Atmospheric nitrogen fixation as an exclusive phenomenon is accomplished by nitrogenase enzyme of prokaryotic microorganisms namely diazotrophs including bacteria, actinomycets and cyanobacteria. Nitrogen fixation is accomplished as form of symbiotic, associative and free-living systems. In free-living ...  Read More

Research Paper
Determination of Appropriate Crop Rotation with High Water Use Efficiency in Galikesh Region

e gh; b k

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, Pages 65-77

  This study was carried out to determine the best rotation with using plants as wheat, soybeans, canola and tomatoes for field planting area of 35 hectares, in 15 kilometers northwest of Galikesh in 2010. To this end, by using the CropWat software, appropriate model was selected in terms of net profit ...  Read More