Research Paper
Azotobacter and its’ Role in Soil Fertility Management

h kh

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 79-94

  Azotobacter is a gram negative, aerobe, chemo-organotroph with the, polymorphism including rod, cocci and ovoid forms. This bacterium belongs to gama-proteobacteria class, Pseudomonaceae family with 7 species. It cannot produce spores but forms cyst. Azotobacters’species lives in different regions ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Assessment of Medium- term Application of Treated Wastewater on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties (Case Study: Bandargaz Wastewater Treatment Plant)

k k

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 95-110

  This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of input and output wastewater of the Bandargaz wastewater treatment plant on the basis of the data collected during operation and the samples taken during the study period. For this purpose, three samples were taken from the outflow wastewater ...  Read More

Research Paper
Effect of Soil Contamination with Heavy Metals on the Production of Medicinal Plants

h a; n n; e m

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 111-122

  The study of World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that the use of herbal medicines has been increased dramatically around the world in recent years. With the expanding popularity and trade of medicinal plants, health, safety and quality of medicinal plant raw materials and processed products have ...  Read More

Evaluation of Land Suitability for Rainfed Barley and Wheat in Agrecological Zones of Abyek Area

A T; F S

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 123-136

  Agro-ecological zoning is one of the effective tools for assining land to suitable land use.The study areawith16618ha islocatedin Abyek area inQazvin province. In totally 43 agro- ecoloical zones were distinguished by combining maps of isohyet, isotherm, length of growing periodand Agro-edaphic zones. ...  Read More

Research Paper
Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT), a New Technique in Predicting Soil Bio-availability of Mineral Elements for Plants

a r; s h

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 137-150

  Total concentrations of mineral elements in soil bear little relation to their availability for plants. The DGT (diffusive gradients in thin-films) technique has been found to be a good predictor of trace metals, micronutrients, phosphorous and potassium bio-availability and uptake. In the DGT technique, ...  Read More

Research Paper
Soil injection of Iron Sulfate, an Inexpensive Method for Controlling Iron Deficiency of Fruit Trees

H H; M S; M M.A

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 151-160

  An experiment conducted in 2012 and 2013 in a peach orchard in Shahriar,area showed that offectivness of applaying FeSO4 - organic matter injection,  alone or in combination with sulfuric acid, is higher than using Fe-chelates. Determination of leaf greenness with chlorophyll meter indicated that ...  Read More

Research Paper
Assessing Soil Degradation by GLASOD Method, Case of Orumieh Plain

r s; s gh; n gh

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, Pages 161-169

  Soil degradation means lose of soil quality which usually is caused by improper use of land by human. Decline of soil quality includes lose of physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. This study aimed to identify and assess the quality of soil and land, to determine the type of land degradation ...  Read More