Document Type : Research Paper



Black Cumin (Bunium Persicum L.) is a perennial herbal plant, with tuber(corm),from Apiaceae family, that is native of some parts in west Asia including east of Iran. The studies show that there is a valuable potential of domestic use of black cumin in Khorassan province of Iran. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, are three main nutrient elements that are used in large amounts, as fertilizers. Black cumin needs these elements for its growth. That’s way research focused on determining effects of N.P.K on black cumin growth in the first Step. Research results showed that nitrogen application is essential for the yield increase, but high amount of nitrogen can decrease its seed yield. This plant will fulfill its expected yield with the minimum amount of nitrogen. Meanwhile its response to balance use of potassium is appropriate and use of phosphorus resulted expected yield. Use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium increased the seed yield about 51% compared to its native habitat without fertilizer application. Under the Khorasan climate conditions(Mashhad), application of 40 kg/ha N, 30 kg/ha P2O5 and 80 kg/ha K2O is recommended for black cumin. This recommendation in respect to the yield increase (about 150 kg seed/ ha) and the price of black cumin (800000 rials/kg) can economically, produce an appropriate income for farmers.


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