Research Paper
Fertility Status of Paddy Soils in Guilan Province

n d; a z; m sh; l r; m k; h sh; m sh; e k; a sh; i b; sh a; e m; a kh; h sh; f d; a r; a a

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 1-13

    Rational use of fertilizers in soil depends on the awareness of the condition offertility and nutrient in soil. One approach is based on a comprehensiveunderstanding and correct use of precision agriculture of agricultural soils. Thusthe map of spatial variability of soil properties is a key step ...  Read More

Research Paper
Determination of land Production Potential for Wheat in Gotvand and Shoustar Areas, Khuzestan Province

a s

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 15-23

  Production potential of land for human food, especially wheat supply is limited and depends on environmental factors affecting production, such as climate, soil, landscape, and management. This paper examines these factors and provides guidelines for understanding the limitations of these factors and ...  Read More

Research Paper
Rhizosphere, an Approach to Management the Soil around the Roots

m d; m f

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 25-35

  The rhizosphere is a microecological zone in direct proximity of plant roots. The theoretical extent of the rhizosphere is dependent on the zone of influence of the plant roots and associated microorganisms. The rhizosphere is a metabolically busier, faster moving, more competitive environment than the ...  Read More

Research Paper
The role of Rhizobium in Nitrogen Management in Agricultural Lands under Legumes Cultivation

h kh

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 37-48

  Rhizobia are one of the most important soil bacteria that have a symbiosis nitrogen fixation relation with legumes. The average amounts of fixed nitrogen in legumes are about 200-300 Kg N.ha-1. It is fixed annually 30-40 million tones of nitrogen by symbiosis systems. Legumes have important roles in ...  Read More

Research Paper
Optimed Management of Fertilizer Recommendation in Black Cumin (Bunium persicum L.) Cultivated Lands

m n; h z

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 49-60

  Black Cumin (Bunium Persicum L.) is a perennial herbal plant, with tuber(corm),from Apiaceae family, that is native of some parts in west Asia including east of Iran. The studies show that there is a valuable potential of domestic use of black cumin in Khorassan province of Iran. Nitrogen, Phosphorus ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Necessity of Integrated Soil Fertility Management for Wheat Production in Iran

p k; f m; m.m t; m.r b

Volume 3, Issue 1 , January 2016, Pages 61-72

  Despite increasing agricultural production in the last three decades, large part of arable soils in Iran are faced with loss of organic carbon, depletion of nutrients, and soil erosion. It is obvious each of these factors will have a direct impact on soil fertility and production sustainability, and ...  Read More