Document Type : Research Paper



Presently, unplanned changes of land use have become a major problem. Most land use changes occur without a clear and logical planning with little attention to their environmental impacts. Since the land use changes are being happened at large areas, remote sensing technology can be used as an essential tool for detecting the land use changes. Current research evaluated land use change in Bam region for two scenarios during an 18-years period. Thematic Mercator landsat (1987) and Enhancement Thematic Mapper Plus (2005) image sensor were used. After measures required pre-processing, with supervised classification software, environmental change detection maps obtained and the final results were presented. The results indicate that palm plantation area increased 3 percent during this period and there is tendency to increase garden area in the region. The overall map accuracy of dates in Bam region in 2005 was 99.98 percent and kappa coefficient was 99.86 percent. Based on the findings of this study, increase in production and economic value of a product can increase the tendency to its use.


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