Research Paper
Cultivable Area Zoning of Saffron in Kermanshah Province: An Option for Crop Pattern Change to Cope Water Scarcity

h gh; n s

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 1-11

  Saffron is a healthy and organic product. Regular planning and ordered infrastructure can play an important role in the terms of exportation of agricultural products. Saffron is a low water consumer plant and highly recommended for water consumption optimization. It can be replaced by the plants with ...  Read More

Research Paper
Soil Degradation in the Effect of Long Term Application of River sediments Case Study: Cucumber Cultivation in Lorestan Province

mirad sepahvand; shahram omidvari; fatemeh parvizi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 13-19

  To study effects of long term application of river sediments in cucumber cultivation on some physical and chemical soil properties, two similar sites of Kashkan river terraces (Lorestan province) were selected. One site (control) was never under sand treated cucumber cultivation but in the other one, ...  Read More

Research Paper
Assessing the Trend of Land use Changes in Bam Area

s s

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 21-31

  Presently, unplanned changes of land use have become a major problem. Most land use changes occur without a clear and logical planning with little attention to their environmental impacts. Since the land use changes are being happened at large areas, remote sensing technology can be used as an essential ...  Read More

Research Paper
Application of Beneficial Soil Bacteria in Crop Production Management Under Saline and Drought Stress via Decreasing Ethylene

houshang khosravi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 33-43

  A wide range of Iranian agricultural lands are located in arid and semi-arid regions and they are facing to saline and drought stresses condition. So, finding an approach to increase tolerance of plant under this condition is highly valuable. Ethylene is an important hormone for normal growth and development ...  Read More

Integrated Management of Chemical and Biological Fertilizers on Reduction of Nitrate Concentration in Spinach

m n; m m

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 44-55

    Using of some nitrogen bio-fertilizers,beside of nitrogen fixation and increasing of yield and growth of cropsaccording to producing of growth plant regulators by microorganisms that exist in this fertilizers, reduce environmental problems by balancing use of nitrogen as chemical fertilizers. ...  Read More

Research Paper
Review of Organic Fertilizers Impacts on Agriculture of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

Zahra Monemizadeh; mohsen ghasemi; reza sadrabadi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 55-77

  Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is the most expensive spice and nutrient balance availability plays important role in the flower induction and its corms growth improvement. Besides consumption of organic fertilizers in reducing environmental contamination and soil biodiversity conservation, due to gradual ...  Read More

Research Paper
Application of Ionizing Radiation Effects on Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Effluent Wastewater

h a; n n; e m

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 79-96

  Organic matter and water resources are limited for agricultural soil cultivation in Iran. Thus, according to the shortage of these resources, application of sewage sludge and effluent has been suggested. Wastewater, sewage and sewage sludge depending on the source have a variety of microbial, organic ...  Read More