Document Type : ترویجی


1 teacher

2 PhD in horticulture, expert in the field of agricultural Jihad management in Khandab city.

3 Masters degree in horticulture and head of extension department of Jihad Agriculture Organization of Central Province.


Shortage of water resources as a limiting factor in farm production plays an important role in determining the type of agricultural activities possible in a region. Rainwater harvesting is one of the most significant management techniques to combat water scarcity. The major practice in this field involves the establishment of rain fed gardens of Damask rose with due heed paid to the implementation of such relevant techniques as rainwater collection, rainwater conversion to runoff, water storage, and evaporation control. It is the objective of the present study to determine the effects of rainwater runoff harvesting surface systems on the development of Damask rose cultivations in rainy conditions as well as the methods that can be adopted for its extension. The study was carried out over a period of five years using three treatments and five replications on sloping lands. For this purpose, an area with a slope of about 20% was chosen. The water harvesting surface systems including cleaned ground treatment using filters in seedling holes, treatment of semi-insulated catchment surfaces using filters in seedling holes, and the control were implemented in accordance with local practices. The parameters of height and canopy were measured annually during the five years of the study period. The results showed that the treatment with the semi-insulating surface system outperformed the others. This was attributed to the effects of spring rainfall on filter treatments and semi-insulated filter systems.


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