Research Paper
Social and Ecological Impacts of Agricultural Land Use Change

Hamid reza Doroudian; Atefeh Doroudian

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 81-97

  Agricultural land use change is one example of the cases in which the free market economy has failed to protect the environment. It stands only second to the current water shortage as the major problem of agriculture in present-day Iran. The problem of land use change has led to the degradation or even ...  Read More

Research Paper
Long-term soil tests to evaluate soil fertility management methods

Seyed Ali Ghaffari Nejad

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 99-112

  The importantroleof soil fertility in food production warrants long-term monitoring to track changes in soil properties. Long-term soil tests are field trials conducted onpermanent plots that are regularly sampled to quantify soil changes over time scales of decades. This article intends to introducelong-term ...  Read More

Research Paper
Nematodes asbioindicators of soil pollutionwith heavy metals

Hadi Karimipour Fard

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 113-124

  The abundance ofnematodes in different ecosystems makes thema most desirable agentfor monitoringenvironmental pollution. They are,indeed, considered as the most promising candidates for bioindication of soil disturbances such as heavy metals pollution in the soil. Studies ofthe effects of such heavy ...  Read More

Research Paper
Strategies to Reduce Groundwater Level Decline (The Case Study ofLavar Plain inHormozgan Province)

hamid moslemi; Raheleh Darvishi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 125-135

  Water scarcity and mismanagement of available water resources leads to water crisis that might be furtherheightened underdrought conditionswith dire environmental, social, and economic outcomes.The present study was implemented to determine the quantity of groundwater resources in the Lavar-Fin Plain,Bandar ...  Read More

Research Paper
Evaluation of nutrient accumulation and translocation indices in three citrus rootstocks

tahereh raiesi; ali asadi kangarshahi; morteza Gholmohammadi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 137-150

  Root systems in citrus trees develop from rootstocks. They have, thus, direct effects on water and nutrient uptake and translocation. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of three rootstocks common in northern Iran (i.e., sour orange, Swingle citrumelo, and Troyer citrange) on the ...  Read More

Research Paper
Effects of Industrial Effluents on Soil and Groundwater Quality (A Case Study of Isfahan Steel Complex)

hamidreza rahmani

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 151-164

  Despite the role played by the reuse of industrial effluentsin alleviating the shortage of irrigation water in dry regions such asIran, the irreversible damages to the environment as a result of uncontrolled discharge of effluents into the environment and agricultural landscannot be overlooked. Industrial ...  Read More

Research Paper
Behavior and fate of nanoparticles in soil

Masomeh Mahdizadeh; Nosratolah Najafi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, Pages 165-183

    Since metallic nanoparticles are widely used nowadays in industrial applications of nanotechnology, there is every possibility that they find their way into soils, especially through sewage sludge. Nanoparticle properties (e.g., size, shape, and surface charge) and those of the soil environment ...  Read More