Research Paper
Evaluation of the causes of citrus decline in southern Iran and the required soil and water management strategies

Yaaghoob Hosseini; majid Askari syahooaee; Jahanshah Saleh

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 129-140

  Citrus fruits are of special economic importance; hence, the factors affecting their production need special attention. The citrus decline disorder is the cause of serious losses to the citrus industry due to the economic failure or total degradation of citrus orchards in the south of Iran. Even though ...  Read More

Research Paper
Sustainable Land Management to Ensure Food Security

kamran mirzashahi; Seyed Ali Ghaffari Nejad

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 141-154

  The global food crisis due to the plunging production and rising prices in recent years, particularly in 2008, calls for solutions to ensure food security in most developing countries. The situation is worsened by the rising demands for food and water as consequences of the population explosion and cropland ...  Read More

Research Paper
Sustained/Controlled-Release Phosphorus Fertilizers: An Option for Enhancing Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Agriculture and Abating the Environmental Hazards

Nosratollah Najafi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 155-179

  Phosphorus (P) is a macronutrient of high consumption required by plants. Most agricultural soils around the world are poor in phosphorus and P fertilizers are used as a remedy. Not only are the fertilizers low in use efficiency but their application has also exacerbated the eutrophication of water bodies ...  Read More

Research Paper
Legal Challenges against the 2006 Amendment of Farm and Garden Land Use Conservation Act and the Need for its Revision

hossein esmaeilnasab

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 181-195

  Environmental protection and natural resource conservation aimed at ensuring food security through healthy, organic food production form major items of Iran's development plans. The involvement of too many public agencies and authoritative sources has over recent years led to legal challenges hindering ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Survey of Agronomic Management Studies Aimed at Mitigating Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Soils

Morad Mirzaei; Rayehe Mirkhani; Manouchehr Gorji Anari; Mehdi Shorafa

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 197-211

  A major concern in our modern world is the emission of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) into the atmosphere and their effects on climate change. Due to their significant impacts on carbon and nitrogen dynamics, agricultural activities have both direct ...  Read More

Research Paper
Effect of potassium chloride topdressing on irrigated wheat in medium texture soils

Aziz Majidi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 213-224

  The method potassium (K) fertilizer is applied in agricultural soils with a high K fixation capacity has a considerable effect on its use efficiency. To determine the effects of K fertilizer topdressing on irrigated wheat (Triticum aestium L.), experiments were performed during the years 2010, 2011, ...  Read More

Research Paper
Technical Remarks on Sediment Measurement at the Outlet of Small Watersheds

Mahmood Arabkhedri; Hamzeh Noor; Ali-Akbar Abbasi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 225-237

  Soil erosion and sedimentation measurements and evaluation of the temporal and spatial data thus obtained are crucial for advancing the knowledge on soil erosion, evaluating relevant models, and designing soil erosion experiments. Extensive temporal changes in erosion and sediment yields, particularly ...  Read More

Research Paper
Using USISM to Monitor Land Use Change and Its Effects on Urban Inundation (A Case Study of Damghan Urban Basin)

Ebrahim Yousefi Mobarhan; karim solaimani; ghorban vahabzadeh

Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2021, Pages 239-251

  Land use change due to human activities is one of the most important issues in regional planning and development. Damghan urban basin has in recent years undergone many changes of the sort, including intensely increased urban population, physical expansion of urban and rural settlements, and disappearance ...  Read More