Research Paper
Evaluation of wheat yield potential in some Iranian Cultivated plains

Ali Zeynadini; S.Alireza Seyed Jalali; Mir Nasrer Navidi; Fatemeh Ebrahimi mimand; asghar farajnia; Gholamreza Zareian

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 1-11

  Sustainable agricultural development and soil resources conservation presuppose adequate knowledge of soil properties, land yield potential, and land use to facilitate the production of such essential agricultural products as wheat. Along these lines, the present study was conducted to identify the land ...  Read More

Research Paper
Monitoring Changes in Agricultural Land Area under Agroforestry Practices (A Case Study of Bagh-Baghoueiyeh in Jiroft)

Hamid Sodaeizadeh; Atefeh Jebali

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 13-26

  Agroforestry systems have been introduced for sustainable development in response to the growing demand for food and the increasing need for proper exploitation of agricultural land. In the agroforestry system, rows of trees or shrubs established around farms create the microclimate conditions favorable ...  Read More

Research Paper
Study of soil fertility of wheat farms in Qazvin Plain Some extension guidelines

Jafar Shahabifar

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 27-46

    Enhancements in crop yield and quality depend on proper use of chemical fertilizers, the most important tool for which is a comprehensive understanding and accurate knowledge of the fertility status of the soil under cultivation. The present study presents a review of the fertility of soils under ...  Read More

Research Paper
Biostimulants and their Roles in Plant Physiology, Nutrient Absorption, and Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses

Seyed Ali Ghaffari Nejad; freydon nourgholipour; Mohammad Nabi Gheybi

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 47-67

    Improved product quality, sustainable cultivation systems, and reduced production costs are among the objectives of modern agriculture despite the global and local climate changes that have faced crops with a variety of stresses. Biostimulants seem to be capable of helping plants in their struggle ...  Read More

Research Paper
Review of Research on Vermicompost Applications in Agriculture

Jalal Omidi; Samaneh Abdolmohammadi

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 69-81

  While excessive chemical input into agricultural lands has caused environmental problems, deteriorating crop quality, disease and pest resistance in plants, and declining soil fertility, concerns about food security and enhanced quality of agricultural products have been steadily rising in most human ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Role of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids in Micronutrient Bioavailability in Soil

Neda Moradi

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 83-95

  Bioavailability of micronutrients in soils and their uptake by plants depend on soil properties (e.g., pH and carbonate content) and the interactions between plant roots and soil microorganisms. The low bioavailability of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn), as a major factor limiting ...  Read More

Research Paper
Effects of Irrigation with Saline Water under Proper Management on Vegetative Growth in Date Palm Seedlings

Majid Alihouri

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 97-104

  Salinity of irrigation water is a major limiting factor for the development of irrigated agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions. Moreover, application of saline water might increase soil salinity and mitigate its fertility in the absence of scientific principles and proper management. The present ...  Read More

Research Paper
Long-term Effects of Mineral Fertilizers on Soil Microorganisms

Hadi Asadirahmani; Hossin Kari Dolatabad

Volume 8, Issue 1 , May 2020, Pages 105-127

  Increasing nutrient inputs into terrestrial ecosystems affect not only plant communities but also the associated soil microbial ones. Studies carried out in predominantly unmanaged ecosystems have found that increasing nitrogen (N) inputs generally decrease soil microbial biomass while less is known ...  Read More