A Survey of Soil Salinity in Iran's Drylands

Saeed Saadat; Leila Esmaeelnejad; Hamed Rezaei; Rasoul Mirkhani

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 147-160


  About 80 percent of the world's agricultural lands, supplying nearly 60 percent of all human food, is under rain-fed cultivation. Considering the uneven distribution of global rainfall, arid and semi-arid areas call for measures to prevent soil and water salinization. Being one of the most important ...  Read More

Nitrogen Fertilizers Consumption in Wheat Fields in Fars Province, Iran (Investigation of the Socio-economic and Technical Repercussions)

Abdoulrasool Shirvanian; behrooz hassanpour

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 161-177


  Chemical fertilizers are nowadays one of the basic production inputs toward enhanced yields of agricultural products. The private businesses stepping into the chemical fertilizer market increasingly encourage farmers to consume more fertilizers, which, in turn, ushers in doubts about their optimal application ...  Read More

Isolation, screening and molecular identification of bacilli producing urease enzyme from the ‎barren lands of southern Iran and analyzing their ability to stabilize the soil

Somayeh Fazelikia; Seyed Ali Abtahi; Mohamad Kargar; Mojtaba Jafarinia

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 179-193


  Microbial urease has specific applications in biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, construction ‎and geotechnical engineering. MICP technology is an ecological process based on microbial ‎urease activity that has recently been used for soil stabilization. Due to its catabolic ability and ‎high ...  Read More

Remote Sensing Used to Detect Changes in Land Use and Forest Cover (A Case Study of Astara City)

sayyad Asghari Saraskanrood; Hosein Sharifi Tolaroud

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 195-208


  Given the significance of the Hyrcanian Forests, inscribed by the UNESCO as a world heritage site, it is essential to monitor the changes in and the devastation of the forest cover in this ecoregion for the planning and management of national lands. It is the objective of the present study to monitor ...  Read More

Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application in Citrus Orchards

Ali Asadi kangarshahi; Negin Akhlaghi Amiri

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 209-228


  Management of nitrogen fertilizer application for citrus trees was evaluated to obtain an enlightened understanding of plant nitrogen requirements, amount of fertilization needed, appropriate fertilization timing, and nitrogen uptake and storage in these plants. The knowledge thus obtained could be effectively ...  Read More

Changes in Agricultural Land Use as a Threat to Food Security

Mirnaser Navidi; Hadi Asadi Rahmani; Mansour Chatrenour; Rasoul Kharazmi; Mohammad Jamshidi; Alireza Ziaee Javid; Zahra MohamadEsmaeil; fatemeh ebrahimi meymand

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 229-248


  Al land use changes pose a most serious challenge to agricultural production, resulting in the loss of fertile soil and food security. The present study was conducted to investigate the challenges associated with fertile agricultural lands in Iran as an attempt to examine and identify the different aspects ...  Read More

Sources of Microplastics in Soil and Their Adverse Effects on Soil: A Review

Shno Karimi; Zahra Kolahchi

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 249-263


  Although plastic products nowadays widely mass-produced bring convenience to people, they definitely cause plastic pollutants to accumulate in the environment. Microplastics are generally defined as plastic particles less than 5 mm in size. Large amounts of such wastes are annually released and dumped ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Role of Biochar in Soil Nitrogen Cycle

Yaser Azimzadeh

Volume 11, Issue 2 , January 2024, Pages 265-285


  Biochar is a black solid containing stable carbon with many positive effects on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. One important positive effect of biochar on soil is its contribution to nutrient (e.g., nitrogen) mobility and dynamics in soil. Negatively charged on the surface, ...  Read More