Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 9 (2022)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 8 (2021)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2019)
Volume 5 (2018)
Volume 4 (2016)
Volume 3 (2016)
Volume 2 (2014)
Volume 1 (2013)






Website URL:lmj@areo.ir



Consequences of changing cultivation patterns on low-yield steep lands to rainfed gardens A case study of Kabgian District of Boyer Ahmad County

Rostam Khorshidiyan; Ayatollah Karami; Mehdi Nooripoor

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 1-16


  This study was implemented to identify the economic, social, and environmental consequences of changing cultivation patterns on low-yield steep lands to rainfed gardens in Kabgian District of Boyer Ahmad County. Drawing upon expert opinion at the Agricultural Jihad Organization of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer ...  Read More

Using remote sensing systems to monitor land cover/use changes in Tehran Province

Pezhman Roudgarmi

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 17-28


  Identification of changes in land use and vegetative cover serves important functions not only for optimal management of natural resources but also for planning by the agricultural sector. Satellite imaging is a technique of special benefits for updating land use and cover maps. It was the objective ...  Read More

A review study of global economic evaluations of land degradation based on cost-benefit analysis

Ali Akbar Damavandi

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 29-43


  Land is a source of human life and an important component of sustainable development. It is a vital resource for producing food, preserving biodiversity, and facilitating natural management of water systems, which also serves as a carbon sequestrating medium. Appropriate land management can protect the ...  Read More

Do Students of Soil Science and its Subfields Need to Know Math and its Applications?

Adel Reyhanitabar

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 45-56


  Many students of agriculture, particularly those of soil science, raise the question whether it is necessary to learn and do mathematics. If yes, the question arises as to how much of mathematical knowledge is really needed by students of these disciplines. Will derivatives, integrals, or differential ...  Read More

Potassium Fertilization in Citrus Orchards

Ali Asadi kangarshahi; Negin Akhlaghi Amiri

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 57-80


  This study was conducted to evaluate potassium fertilization management on citrus orchards as an effort to gain a better understanding of the potassium requirement, amount of fertilization, and proper timing of potassium application as well as potassium uptake and transfer in citrus trees. The findings ...  Read More

Research Paper
Effects of glycine-betaine and mycorrhizal fungi application on the quantitative and qualitative performance of dryland wheat in field conditions

Seyed Mashaallah Hosseini; Aziz Majidi; Hadi Pirasteh anooshe

Volume 12, Issue 1 , September 2024, Pages 81-88


  Reports are indicative of the promising effects of using mycorrhizal fungi and glycine betaine on enhancing drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivium L.) and, thereby, increasing its yield and quality under rainfed farming. The present investigation was carried out as an on-farm experiment in Abadeh ...  Read More

Application of Sulfur in Calcareous and Saline-Sodic Soils of Khorasan Razavi Province to Enhance Plant Yield

H Z; Mojtaba Nourihoseini

Volume 5, Issue 1 , September 2017, , Pages 43-50


  Sulfur is an essential element for plant growth since its presence in betamine, biotein, aminoacid, and sulfulipid compoundsplaysa key role in activating many enzymes, synthesizingproteins, and counteractingthe toxicity of heavy metals in plants. In addition to its nutrirional value, sulfur is known ...  Read More

Strategies to Reduce Groundwater Level Decline (The Case Study ofLavar Plain inHormozgan Province)

hamid moslemi; Raheleh Darvishi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2018, , Pages 125-135


  Water scarcity and mismanagement of available water resources leads to water crisis that might be furtherheightened underdrought conditionswith dire environmental, social, and economic outcomes.The present study was implemented to determine the quantity of groundwater resources in the Lavar-Fin Plain,Bandar ...  Read More

A Review on Major Water Erosion Factors in Iran

m a

Volume 2, Issue 1 , March 2014, , Pages 17-26


  Soil erosion in a given area depends on natural characteristics of the place as well as the rate of  human impact. In Iran, the Mediterranean precipitation regime and relatively high erosivity of rain, wide area of erodible soils/lithological formations, sparse natural vegetation in many regions ...  Read More

Azotobacter and its’ Role in Soil Fertility Management

h kh

Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 79-94


  Azotobacter is a gram negative, aerobe, chemo-organotroph with the, polymorphism including rod, cocci and ovoid forms. This bacterium belongs to gama-proteobacteria class, Pseudomonaceae family with 7 species. It cannot produce spores but forms cyst. Azotobacters’species lives in different regions ...  Read More

Equations and methods employed to estimate soil displacement due to tillage operations(A case study of Chehelgazi Sub-basin, Kurdistan Province)

Seyed Pedram Nainiva; Mehrnaz Shahrivar; Ali Najafinejad

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, , Pages 221-230

  Natural resources comprise principal ingredients of human life and require special consideration of their potentials and realities within a comprehensive and integrated framework; such an outlook might be only achieved through a disciplined planning and management system. Resource exploitation in ...  Read More

Effect of integrated plant nutrient management on some quantitative traits of rainfed wheat in field conditions

Aziz Majidi; Ramin Hamidi Khasraghi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 September 2024


  Sustainable agriculture production is the most crucial development program of countries in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Therefore, this Research-Extension project was implemented to extend the former research findings (RF) in the rainfed fields of West Azerbaijan province in the crop season ...  Read More

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