Research Paper
Sustainable soil management and its role in mitigating greenhouse emissions

Morad Mirzai; Manouchehr Gorji; Ebrahim Moghiseh; Hossein Asadi; Ehsan Razavi toosi

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 187-204

  Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the atmosphere and the consequent climate change have irreversible effects on the environment and human health. Greenhouse gases in the soil are produced by microbial activity, root respiration, ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Review of Biofertilizer Application in Wheat Cultivation in Iran and the Related Research Findings

Houshang Khosravi

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 205-220

  Wheat is the main staple food in Iran where itaccounts foralmost one third of the area under crop cultivation. Being the most important sources of nutrients supplied to wheat farms, chemical fertilizers have caused environmental problems due to their excessiveapplication beyond plant requirements. One ...  Read More

Research Paper
Equations and methods employed to estimate soil displacement due to tillage operations(A case study of Chehelgazi Sub-basin, Kurdistan Province)

Seyed Pedram Nainiva; Mehrnaz Shahrivar; Ali Najafinejad

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 221-230

  Natural resources comprise principal ingredients of human life and require special consideration of their potentials and realities within a comprehensive and integrated framework; such an outlook might be only achieved through a disciplined planning and management system. Resource exploitation in ...  Read More

Research Paper
Using the Markov chain model to predict variations in pistachio plantations (A case study of Zeidabad, Sirjan Town)

Abdolreza Kazeminia korrani; Abolfazl Nejadkhorasani

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 231-245

  Remote sensing is the key technology used to assess land use changes that serve as basic information in all planning. The current study uses the Markov chain model to investigate changes in the area under pistachio cultivation and explores its potential for predicting future variations in land use in ...  Read More

Research Paper
Siting Improvement Operations for Rainwater Conservation Schemes in Natural Areas (A Case study of Nazluchai Basin, Urmia)

Morteza Mofidi chelan; Habib Nazarnejad; Elham moharampour

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 247-261

  Proper siting of rainwater conservation systems is an important step to ensure water supply in a watershed. The present study was carried out to identify the factors involved in rainwater infiltration and storage and to determine suitable locations for the construction of rainwater conservation systems ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Survey of the 1st National Legislative Assembly’s Negotiations on the Abolition of Feudal Land Ownership

Abbas Norozi

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 263-274

  On the eve of the Constitutional Revolution when the parliament was first established in Iran (1906), a large amount of governmental property, then termed as ‘Net Property’, was exploited through a kind of lease agreement to landlords and users in return for revenues under a feudal system. ...  Read More

Research Paper
Comparison of the advantages and limitations of 137Cs, 210Pbex, and 7Be fallout radionuclides in soil erosion assessments

Farideh Abbaszadeh

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 275-290

  Fallout radionuclides, FRNs, (i.e., 137Cs, 210Pbex, and 7Be) are being increasingly used to obtain quantitative information on soil erosion and sediment redistribution within agricultural landscapes over different timescales. The technique is frequently regarded as a valuable complement to conventional ...  Read More

Research Paper
Landscape Investigations Using the Kriging Estimator (A Case Study of Hormozabad in Rafsanjan, Kerman Province)

Alireza Owji; Amir Eslami; Isa Esfandiarpour Boroujen

Volume 9, Issue 2 , February 2022, Pages 291-304

  As natural land features, landscapes ranging in size from large plains and mountains to small hills are regarded as morphological formations characteristic of the earth's surface. The objective of the present study was to determine the physiographic unit boundaries in Hormozabad, Rafsanjan, using the ...  Read More